My Unholy WA set. Updated for Dragonflight (finally). The gif shows ~20 sec of using AoE opener on target dummies.
Rune Tracker is now included.
Delete / set to 'Load - Never' the auras: "Runic Corruption BG", "Runes Unholy BG" and "4 Runes Warn" if you don't use my rune tracker.
What you're seeing in the GIF:
Abilities glow when it is a good time to use them. Icy Veins as my source. (except soul reaper, it has #1 prio sub 35% hp)
Death Coil and Scourge Strike will never glow. Death coil icon changes to Epidemic if 3 targets in 8 yd range.
Not in the gif but Death and Decay will flash if it is cast and you aren't standing in it.
The background behind the runes will light up red if you have 4+ runes active. It will light up white/gray if Runic Corruption is active.
The Runic Power Bar has several things going on.
It changes color based on how much RP you have. Dark Blue when RP is less than Death Coil cost. Regular blue when you can cast one Death Coil. Bright blue when you can cast 2+ Death Coils. Yellow at max Runic power.
It also has an orange tick mark that gives a visual indicator of Death Coil's RP cost.
If you see "Free" that means your next Death Coil will cost no RP. (Sudden Doom)
Companion auras DK Utility & Defensives HERE
Legacy mmo-champ thread:
DK Macros
A simple macro, but it does help me a lot to keep up Death and Decay more often. Casting DnD at my feet.
/cast [@player] Death and Decay
OP? or ridiculous cast sequence because so many cd's when aoe'ing.
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/castsequence reset=38 Unholy Blight, Dark Transformation, Unholy Assault, Vile Contagion, Apocalypse
Dragonflight v1 (Finally) - Worked on it quite a lot, finally released. But not much real world testing, open to feedback.